Bulk Metallic Glasses

Bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) represent a recent class of amorphous alloys that reveal fundamentally new properties because of their disordered atomic arrangement. At critical cooling rates of less than 1000 K/s, they can be produced in bulk form with thicknesses ranging from millimeters to centimeters. A general overview on BMGs is provided in this Download book chapter (PDF, 4.7 MB)

We have strong competence in creating metastable and amorphous materials via rapid solidification techniques and the corresponding structural (in situ TEM and XRD) and thermophysical (ultrafast calorimetry) analysis using ultrafast heating and cooling rates. We design new (magnetic) BMGs and investigate in detail their magnetic and mechanical properties. We also study the biomedical properties of BMGs and their characteristics when processed via additive manufacturing.

In particular we focus on:

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