Alumni in Academia
David Klaumünzer accepts Professorship
After 10 years in R&D at Volkswagen Group, our former doctoral student and postdoc David Klaumünzer has accepted a Professorship at the Department of Automotive and Aeronautical Engineering at HAW Hamburg, Germany.
Michalis Charilaou accepts Assistant Professorship
Michalis Charilaou, former doctoral student and postdoc at LMPT, has accepted an Assistant Professorship at the Department of Physics, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA.
Stefan Pogatscher accepts Assistant Professorship
Stefan Pogatscher, former postdoc at LMPT, has accepted an Assistant Professorship in the area of “Materials Technology of Aluminum” at the Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria.
Robert Maaß accepts Assistant Professorship
Robert Maaß, former postdoc at LMPT, has accepted an Assistant Professorship at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA.
Esther Amstad accepts Assistant Professorship
Esther Amstad, former diploma student at LMPT, has accepted an Assistant Professorship on “Soft Materials” at the Institute of Materials at EPF Lausanne.
Eric Daub accepts Assistant Professorship
Eric Daub, former postdoc at LMPT, has accepted an Assistant Professorship on “Earthquake Physics” at the Center for Earthquake Research and Information at the University of Memphis, USA.
Kisor K. Sahu accepts Assistant Professorship
Kisor K. Sahu, former postdoc at LMPT, has accepted an Assistant Professorship in the School of Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering of the Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar.